Help homeless pets.
We need your help - as a small, independent, nonprofit organization (not affiliated with any other SPCA or humane society), we rely on the kindness of fellow animal lovers to support our work to assist the most fragile pets in our community. A gift in any amount demonstrates your desire to see animals treated with kindness, respect and compassion. Support to our general fund will ensure that homeless pets receive basic care, medical treatments, and stay as long as they need to. Funds will also support programs that address animal cruelty as well as prevent animal abuse and neglect.
Give a monthly gift and earn the status of Best Friend
Supporters who give monthly are considered Best Friends and receive special gifts, discounts and invitations to events. If you would like to set up monthly donations please use our online form or call us (603-856-8756 x109). You may make changes to this gift at any time.
Give to be a BFF (Best Friend Forever)
Supporters who prefer to make a single gift of $1,000 or more as a Best Friend will have their Best Friend status automatically renewed each year and their name added to the wall of the shelter.
Give to Support the Banks Humane Education Center (BHEC)
The BHEC serves as the home to many of our most popular programs for children, pet owners, and community members. Add your name to our special Donor Wall, featuring animal art by NH artist Loring Cheney; other naming opportunities are also available.
Give to Sponsor a Kennel
Sponsoring a cat condo or dog kennel is a great way to express your commitment to animals in need. Kennel sponsor plaques can serve as memorials or honorariums to loved ones, animal friends, or simply be a way for you to say “I care.” Learn more or view current kennel sponsors
Memorial Garden
Honor a beloved pet or person with a personal message in our Memorial Garden by adding a lasting tribute to a 12×12 or 4x8 granite paver.
Planned Giving
Make a lasting impact to pets in need by including a charitable gift in your will or estate plans. A bequest in your will or another planned gift will not only benefit the animals we care for, but can also support your estate tax planning and financial goals.
All gifts, including bequests, can be made payable to:
Pope Memorial SPCA, 94 Silk Farm Road, Concord, NH 03301
Tax ID#: 02-0239801
Thank you! Questions? Please call 603-856-8756 x109