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Yoga with Shelter Pets

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Love animals and yoga? We’ve blended the two! You may have a kitten on the mat purring next to you, a puppy joining you in downward dog, or a bunny hopping mat to mat.

Friday, February 7 

5:30 - 6:30pm

Rescheduled from February 6 due to predicted weather

Monday, February 10

5:30 - 6:30pm

More available classes ahead!

March Open House

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Visit us Saturday, March 1 for Open House!



Meet Adoptable Dogs, Cats, & Rabbits!

​Help fill our donation container with wish list items to care for the pets in our shelter.

Dirty Paws 5K



Join us for our annual Dirty Paws 5K on Saturday,

April 5, 2025!

​Run or walk our 5k course from the Banks Humane Education Center to the grounds of St. Paul's school and back. All abilities encouraged to participate.

Leashed dogs and strollers welcome. Prizes awarded to fastest times, professional timing by Pinnacle. 

More info and registration

Walk for the Animals



Save to date to join us to Walk for the Animals on Saturday, October 4, 2025!

Walk 1 or 3 miles, dogs encouraged to accompany.

Music, prizes, raffles, vendors, and fun!

Proceeds to support homeless pets in our care.

Frosty Paws 5K



SAVE THE DATE for our annual Frosty Paws 5K on Saturday,

November 15, 2025!

Registration opening soon!

Run or walk our 5k course from the Banks Humane Education Center to the grounds of St. Paul's school and back. All abilities encouraged to participate.

Leashed dogs and strollers welcome. Prizes awarded to fastest times, professional timing by Pinnacle. 

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