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Pet Clinics

Vaccination Clinics

We host monthly low cost vaccination clinics for cats, dogs and ferrets to help them stay current on vaccinations and ensure the health and safety of our community.

To register, please be sure to select a specific time for your appointment, the various vaccination(s) needed and pay online prior to attending.

Clinics are held 9a-11a or 10a-noon with eight time slots available.

Spay/Neuter Clinics 

Dogs - healthy and weighing less than 55 pounds between 4 months to 5 years of age

Females must not be in active heat, and we cannot accept certain breeds: Cavalier King Charles, Pekinese, Lhasa, Bulldog, Shih Tzu, Boston Terrier, Pug, French Bulldog, Japanese Chin or Tibetan Spaniels (other flat faced breeds may not qualify).

Please note the maximum weight limit is strictly adhered to.

Cats - healthy and between 4 months to 7 years of age

Females must not be in active heat, and we cannot accept certain breeds: Persian, Himalayan, British Shorthair, Scottish Fold, Exotic short hair or Burmese.

Once you have completed your application, you will be emailed with a date for the surgery. Please respond in a timely manner to confirm the date and keep your place on the list. There is usually a 1-3 month wait list for appointments.

Questions ? Email us at


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Clinics are held on Thursdays only and there has been an influx of applications, especially for female pets. Appointments are assigned on a first-come-first-served basis, with a deposit and application. If you cannot or do not want to wait for a surgery date, please do not complete an application, as the deposit is non-refundable. 

Prices effective January 1, 2025, regardless of application date

If your pet does not qualify for our clinic,

click for a list of other spay/neuter resources in NH

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